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Dongguan oneness filter technology co., LTD. : guide for resin filter element

Author:admin      2019-02-20

  Resin filter
  Resin is a porous, insoluble exchange material. In the water softener, there are millions of tiny plastic balls (beads) in the resin filter core, all of which contain many negative charge exchange positions to absorb positive ions. When the resin is in its nascent state, these charge exchange sites are occupied by positively charged sodium ions. As the calcium and magnesium pass through the resin reservoir, they come into contact with the resin beads and replace the sodium ions from the exchange position. The resin preferentially combines cations with strong charge, and the charge of calcium and magnesium ions is stronger than that of sodium ions. Instead of the sodium cation, the water moves down through the resin "" bed" "and out of the water softener, which delivers the" "soft" "water. Finally, all resin exchange sites are occupied by calcium and magnesium, can no longer work.
  This paper is sorted out by dongguan oneness filtration technology co., LTD